Kamm Profile Gaskets
A serrated surface under a conformable sealing material provides a low seating stress
Metallic Kamm Gaskets
Replace your jacked gaskets with newer technology. Kamm profile gaskets are an excellent choice for worn heat exchangers. Fixed Guide Ring, Floating Guide Ring and Standard Ring designs are available.
We provide Kamm profile gaskets from Durlon, Leader, Lamons, and Sichem (formerly FMI-Spa). The soft sealing material can be Flexible Graphite, PTFE, EPTFE, -or Mica. These gaskets are problem solvers in equipment that experiences thermodynamic expansion and the joint.
Contact the staff at American Seal & Packing to order today.
Standard Ring
A serrated surface with a soft conformable sealing material provides a strong, solid gasket.
Kamm profile with Guide Ring
To help with alignment, this version of Kamm gasket (Kammpro LP2) comes with a guide ring.
Loose fitting guide ring Kamm pro gaskets
These gaskets often replace spiral wound gaskets in ASME B16.5 flanges.
Metal Gaskets Products
All we need is a gasket drawing or sample